lost in my own thoughts

How It Feels To Be Voluntarily Unemployed


Work, or lack of, is interesting. A few months ago, I decided to quit and live off my savings. I have no immediate plans though occasionally recruiters reach out with some juicy opportunities. Most of LinkedIn inbound is spam but there are some rare gems.

All of the sudden I have nothing to fill my days and must fill them with something else.

I sometimes feel embarrassed of not working tbh. Whenever I hang out with friends I feel there is a stigma that people that don't work are lazy or something, similar to the stigma around gamers.

All of my friends work, and many are super ambitious. It seems the world is a lonely place most days, I don't have anyone to talk to. The grocery stores and shops have very few people, like a ghost town since I go during most people's work hours.

And to be honest, most days are not super productive. Most things take a long time b/c I can afford to not rush now. There's a quote somewhere that work fills the time available, which I heavily relate to now.
Laundry, groceries, cleaning, chores, shopping, walking around, eating – even the most mundane tasks now can take over an hour and suddenly the days are really short.

I feel like I'm living less actually, I'm just kind of “alive”, a new kind of zombie...