Content Creation is Just Another Piece of Capitalism

You know what really grinds my gears? The whole damn illusion that being a content creator is some ticket to freedom. It's like folks traded one master for another, only this one demands they perform 24/7. “Be authentic,” they say. “Just be yourself,” they say. But what they really mean is, “Be marketable.”

Every time someone sits down to create, there's this nagging voice in the back of their head whispering about engagement rates, SEO, and goddamn algorithms. It's exhausting. We were sold this dream that if we just followed our passions, we could break free from the chains of traditional work. But let's be real – it's still capitalism, baby, and it’s still a grind.

I see people who used to create for the sheer joy of it, now caught in the hamster wheel of likes, shares, and comments. It’s never enough. They’re always chasing the next big thing, the next follower, the next bit of validation from a faceless crowd.

And don’t even get me started on the craven influencers who’ll promote any goddamn thing put in front of their faces. It’s gross. Marketing is gross. Content creation is just advertising dressed up as art. These poor kids are acting like it's art, pouring their souls into it, thinking they’re creating something meaningful. WTAF?

It's telling that people call themselves content creators and not actors, dancers, artists, or even people. And what is content, anyway? It’s not called dancing, acting, or singing because it has components of those things, and some of those people may be very good at those things, but what they're making is content. Not art. Content. What is content? It's such a blank, vapid, empty, meaningless word. Content is just... stuff. It's junk food. It's fun and it's yummy and we love it, but it does nothing for us and often even harms us.

And for what? To line the pockets of the big tech companies who profit off their creativity while they’re left scrambling for scraps? It’s like a digital sweatshop where the currency is mental health. Yeah, it’s a bit dramatic, but so is this whole charade.

So here’s my rant for the day: being a content creator isn’t freedom. It’s just capitalism with a prettier mask. I watch people struggle to create because some algorithm demands it. Screw the numbers. Real freedom is creating because you love it, not because you have to meet some arbitrary metric.

Maybe that’s the real revolution – reclaiming creativity from the clutches of this exploitative system and making meaning, not money.

Until next time,

Don't believe me! Always fact-check everything you read on the internet through multiple sources. Here's a list to help.