For all of the feelings I refuse to deny, and all of the memories I refuse to forget.

A World With No Stranger

“Some feelings need to be let out and some words need to be said, though many times, they don't need to be told to the specific person.

Some things that I will say might hurt them, or will make people who are close with me feel worry about me. And that will become another burden.

The reason why I love to talk with strangers is because I know they won't really worry about me, and that they will only carry a little bit of me with them, the way I carry theirs.

Another thing is, I love to bet with destiny. I wanna know how life plays with mine. Will I ever meet those strangers again in different time and place, will we still carry ours by then, and maybe it is afterall a world with no strangers :).”

#life #stranger