Saturday was baking day

#100DaysToOffload – Day 19

Lazy day yesterday for me. Actually not that lazy but indulgent is probably the best way to describe it.

Started off by doing back at home pain au chocolates but modifying them with Reese's Pieces peanut butter chips.

the before

They were DELICIOUS.

the after

(Only 3 in the picture as the rest of the family descended on them before I got a photo!)

Then while I was waiting for the bread to proof I made chocolate chip cookies; which handily heated the kitchen and oven up nicely.


Once they came out the oven the bread went in and that came out looking like this:

fresh loaf

Shortly after that loaf came out a friend popped round for a doorstep chat. After showing off the loaf to him he looked really jealous so I gave it to him and made another while watching the resumption of the Bundesliga matches. I was so keen to watch I even paid for the privilege rather than relying on one of the usual snide streaming sites. ; )