The Fool who persists in his folly will become wise. -William Blake

A Tale of Synchronicities

There’s a concept in nature called a catenary sequence. It explains things in terms of their causalities. This was based on old Newtonian mechanics which describe the physical universe as a series of balls being banged around by each other. However, relatively recent discoveries have made it clear that it’s insufficient to describe natural patterns. It requires present context on top of causality. And so a new term was devised, called the reticulate sequence. It takes present and future events into consideration, and not only past events.

The late psychiatrist Carl Jung devised a term to describe the seeming coincidental links between events that happen over large distances, both spatial and temporal and called it synchronicity. And where the network effect of these links coincide with “syncs” that take place in our lives, we call them meaningful, whether imaginary or not.

The point at which we interpret any given seeming randomness and find underlying patterns, comes to us vividly in our everyday lives. We see meaning almost every which way. We are designed to notice patterns in nature and our interactions with it. And so the interpretation of any pattern is paramount to seeing connections in them. In fact, you cannot describe anything at all, without your unique perspective being part of it on some level.

And so, the clash between the interpretation and translation of the mystical experience comes with an obvious price. The price of misinterpretation. If what I intended to mean something else entirely from what is read on the page, to that degree the message becomes distorted. And so we are liable to run amok with the wrong message. The problem then becomes: how to “unscrew” the messages of the ancient days? What is the true message as it was intended?

Well, I think it’s up to anyone to make up their own damn mind as to what it means. Nobody can be told on behalf of their own inner voice, if the subject matter is in accord with them. And nobody can be told how to think. Or rather, should be told. Nobody is forced to read these words for that matter. So it’s out of my hands as to how they are taken. And that’s terrifying to me. But at the same time the risk has to be taken.

From a personal perspective, my life has been chock full of these syncs as I referred to them. Meaningful points or patterns that are not obviously connected, but they feel like they are. And interpretation plays key part in it. They reside on the side of the subjective, which is why they are very difficult to convey to others believably. They’ll say “it’s all in your head.” Or “if you’re the only one experiencing this connection, couldn’t it be possible you’re just imagining it?”

But the point is that because they are subjective, they are for that very reason meaningful. And nothing strikes more meaning in your face like a champion boxer on steroids, than the mystical vision. Because it’s such a potent state of being, you’ll remember it vividly for the rest of your life. It varies in intensity depending on the person, but it’s importance at the time it happens cannot be understated.

Now, for the record, I’ve never had this experience hit on me personally. But nevertheless, I know enough about it theoretically to say few things about it. So I’ll make a list about its attributes just for giggles. The following aspects or qualities are present in this sensation:

  1. The unity or undividedness of all things and events.

  2. The “pretentiousness” of existence.

  3. The feeling of unbelievable bliss.

  4. There is not a single error at all in this universe.

And there you have it. It sounds pretty fantastic I know. Or hard to swallow. But still, I’ve known people who have come up to me and say it in my face not 10 minutes into the conversation which is pretty weird to me but awesome. That they knew it all in an instance after getting this overwhelming experience come over them.

And I choose to talk about this because I think it’s important. Because we neglect our environment and are on the verge of its destruction, simply because we don’t feel like part of the natural universe. We feel alianated from it. Hostile towards it, and ourselves. And so what I’m doing is I’m trying to point towards that unity of everything. Otherwise, we’re doomed if we don’t see it. But I guess that’s the whole game we’re playing.

So the network or reticulate sequence, is exactly seeing the points connected. And synchronicity is the glue that binds all of them. Yeah I know, a rather simple way of saying it. But simple is how I like it, at least in a blog like this. I don’t know what I’m doing anyway. I’m just sharing a point of view that I’m quite fond of.
