The Fool who persists in his folly will become wise. -William Blake

All Roads Lead Home

There is a notion in mysticism that one can intuitively sense our ultimate destination. And because of this intuition, there’s nothing to worry about. The idea is that no matter what path or course one takes, it will eventually lead them to the same place as everyone else. This could be called the “consummation of the world,” in which everyone and everything is enlightened in the end.

This concept is prevalent in several traditions, at least in Buddhism and Hinduism. There are other schools such as the Gnostics, who believed that one’s inner experience with the divine is analogous to this intuition. Anyone who’s ever had the mystical experience, knows surely in their bones what we’re in for.

Now, how can I claim at the same time since I’ve never personally had the experience that I know where we’re going? Well, I can only say that my intuition is off the charts. The rest is good old belief. You can’t after certain point get out of the fact that you’re to large extents operating in life because of belief in different things. People who can’t admit this, who think that navigating in this world is purely a matter of instinct or rationality, are living in delusion.

There was a very wise woman who once said that you believe in what you see. And this perceiving of things being synonymous with believing in them is I think the answer to why we’re so hypnotized by so many things. Our attention after all goes to the relatively moving, instead of the still, to the highlighted, instead of the diffused, as was worked out by Gestalt psychology in the previous century.

Because of this selection, we get taken in by the details of life. And so we forget the underlying things. And what I guess I’m doing then is trying to point with my finger to this underlying reality. And I’m saying that there’s no such thing as the wrong kind of detail, in which to get absorbed. They are all part and parcel of the same massive event.

And I keep reminding you. Someone has to. I’m reminding you that you are not a stranger on Earth. Coming from some place else. But that you, in your deepest sense of self that there can be, are absolutely essential to the cosmos. If you weren’t, nobody else would be either.

And so this idea is one where it doesn’t matter what kind of mistakes one makes, what sort of peril or dire situations they get, because they are divine in their most fundamental aspect. That doesn’t mean, that you go out and do whatever the hell you like because it doesn’t matter. It means the exact opposite. It is because everyone is divine, that they deserve compassion and respect.

Then again, this might all be taken as the most bullshitty sugary garbage ever produced, and that’s fine. It’s not for those people. It’s for nobody. It’s for whoever feels like they’ve got nothing better to do than read a bunch of random fucking articles on the internet in the hopes that maybe they’ll learn something. Well guess what? I’ve got nothing to teach. Go away.

But if you’re enjoying these things, then stick around. Maybe we’ll actually realize something in the middle of it all. Or maybe not. In any case, whether the world will ever be enlightened or what have you is anyone’s guess. I don’t even think enlightenment is used correctly as a term, in the sense that somebody is going to attain anything. It’s not a separate state which somehow heals you.

But I’ll leave my criticism about enlightenment or Nirvana to another article. Right now I need to walk around before I start growing vegetables. Satchitananda.
