Is Waterproofing Necessary?

Waterproofing on unilock pavers

Should I Use Waterproofing

That’s is a good question. There is a lot of options out there in helping to protect products. But here we are going to discuss if you should or not. The first question is what product you’re wanting to protect. If it outside masonry or concrete, then waterproofing can be effective.

If it masonry, is the product porous or hard? If it’s porous then certain waterproofings can be applied and absorption can penetrate up to 1 inch into the product. If your product is hard glazed and non-porous, then waterproofing is non efficient. Understanding what each product can be used for, will give the maximum results. and always check the application directions and follow closely.

concrete is a product that usually should be sealed. Waterproofing concrete is a great way to protect against excess moisture. If you live in areas that the weather temperature fluctuates, waterproofing offers a level of protect against moisture entering that can cause premature damage. Less damage, less cost.