Second Edition

The Thrilla from Vanilla

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee

Source: Microburst Brewery (Forrest Cook and Jon Corbet)

Mead Lover's Digest #123, 1 May, 1993

Ingredients (for 7 gallons):



The inspiration for this recipe came from a mead that was poured at the Beer and Steer, a large outdoor homebrewers party held in Colorado occasionally.

As this mead has aged, the vanilla flavor has become more pronounced. For the next batch, we will probably increase the vanilla extract to 6 oz. At nine months the flavor is still improving, I project that it will be incredible at eighteen months—if there is any left.

Dave's Notes:

I made a mead based on this recipe, except I went nuts with the vanilla. I had a 16 oz bottle of Mexican vanilla extract, and I put in the whole thing. I don't think it was too much vanilla, and most people agreed. The other major change was that I used a real dark “wildflower blend” of honey, which balanced the strong vanilla flavor nicely.

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