Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 102
Today was another chill day to be fair, literally all my days are starting to have the same pattern, and I don't know if that is good or not but hey, at least I get some structure in my day even though it isn't what I want it to be. I woke up early considering the time I fell asleep, I ended up getting life 6 hours of sleep and honestly I feel fine, even now as it nears to 12am. I don't even know why or how I ended up sleeping that late, all I remember doing was watching YouTube then an anime and before I knew it, it was like half 5 and I thought shit I need to get some sleep.

Finally fell asleep around 6 and then woke up at half 8 then at 11/12. Thought to myself; should really go back to sleep but I just couldn't, so I stayed awake, watched some more YouTube (I really need to chill with YouTube) and layed in bed for a bit, until my mum said come and eat. Quickly washed up and went to eat some foods. It was nice and filing to be fair.

After that I came back up and decided to have a bath, I'm pretty sure it was like an hour and a half, even 2 hours but lost track of time in there. It was nice and relaxing which I enjoyed.

Then, got a couple of calls and went to meet up with some friends, who I hadn't seen in such a long time, I kinda didn't wanna go because I just knew that it wasn't going to be too enjoyable. We did have a laugh and shit but I just felt so out of the loop and felt like a 4th wheel if you will. Was given no updates or filled in at all.

Then after the great escape; went to the local spot with the now usual crowd and had a relaxing and enjoyable late evening which sort of rescued the day if you will.

Came home at the usual time and looking forward to eating, but the portion that was left for me was so small and I was like tf am I gonna do with that. I ordered myself KFC, sat at my desk, ate and watched some Drew Gooden videos and still am as I write this post. He's honestly a funny guy. I discovered a new show, thanks to his channel and plan to check it out.

I'll try to sleep ontime tonight as I got to get up early tomorrow for inductions and then got to travel into the office later on which should be soooo fun. But yeah hopefully by 2 I'll be knocked out which will give me 7 hours that I need.

I've also got a couple of jobs that I really need to do tomorrow, so I'll most likely take a couple of machines with me and bang it out there too since being on the network is so much better.

But that'll do me for the day. At some point I'll share my mental state and possibly new directions of this post. I also need to do work for the other posts and some other project work, I feel like I need to start focusing in regards work as a whole.

Little rant aside, until tomorrow.
