Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 105
I'm not going to lie, I forgot about today's post, these last few hours I've been occupied with football then came home to bathe, then ordered food and ate whilst watching Succession and just as I was about to wrap up for the day; I remembered that I have today's post to write. Plus, I've been slowly writing them earlier and earlier than I don't often think about it at this time. But we're here writing (is it one t or two) this and hopefully I don't spend too long on it.

Let's start with the beginning of the day where I had to wake up bloody early despite falling asleep around 2 or 3 in the morning, I managed to squeeze in about 5 hours of sleep. It wasn't too bad this morning, I actually felt productive, got some tasks that which was nice. Then, I ate and carried on doing work. I believe I had homeade ramen again which was lovely might I add, but had to wait till about 2 something to eat, considering I was awake from about 8:30 this morning.

Then I just went to lay down in the afternoon, as I simply just had enough and needed to lie down and rest. I was feeling quite tired by this time and honestly I needed it. Then I had dinner early as I had football today around pm. So I ate at 5 something, and by the time I played it would have somewhat digested. I honestly don't know how that works but let's pretend it is like so.

The was decent, the football was the highlight but it was fustrating at the same time, but that's why you got to love it, it is just so enjoyable to play and to leave everything out there. Only thing missing are some war cries but soon lol.

But yeah that's all for today, I do want to lay down now as I am quite tired and hopefully tonight I can sleep early and feel refreshed come morning. Until then.
