Day 109
Well today has been a very odd day, I've been in a weird state of mind today I've been feeling unwell and well throughout the day and slowly feeling weaker. I think I am getting sick but I don't think it is corona because if it is, then I am fucked. I cannot concieve the reprocutions of me having it. So many people will have to get checked et cetera, so hopefully it is your boxed standarded run of the mill flu.
Last night I ended up falling asleep around 6:30, don't ask, I just found it so tough to sleep perhaps that should have been the first indicator that I was starting to become sick. I, then, woke up far too early and felt so shit, my eyes and head were hurting as well as my stomach which was so bad, I can't even remember the amount of times I went to the toilet last night.
Then spent most of it downstairs with everyone, it was a nice distraction and overall nice family time which is a rarity mainly cause I, myself don't spend enough time with them. Bad habits I know but I suppose it's one of those tings missing from our lives growing up and into adulthood.
Dinner was alright but I didn't wanna eat much due to my stomach but I had enough nonetheless and it was tasty ass food. Then my sister and brother in law left around half 8 and I came upstairs, been chilling, I wanna get into bed now after noticing the time as it slowly edges towards 11.
Honestly, I'm feeling so drained and am super thirsty, so excuse the short post, I need to begin getting ready for bed.
Until tomorrow.