Day 204
Another day, another dollar being taxed. Well, today was a decent day, pretty chill in all honesty. It was a bit busy here and there but some of my main tasks if you will were completed and the biggest of which was my machine build. The hardware is pretty much done, and all that is left is the software side. As well as some migrating of data. Kinda long but at least my desk is all cleared up and cleaned which is a huge stress relief in of itself.
Other than that, work was decent got a fair bit done and I think I'm slowly making a name for myself – getting them favours done for management and all that – tbh I don't mind helping those who are nice, its the annoying bastards that I delay doing jobs for,
Hmm I'm also doing some admin stuff which is something I do generally enjoy, just need to find the time for it, I'll most likely dedicate all day Saturday to admin stuff, got a Notion to clean up and populate. Which is also fun to do.
Other than that not much, like you can probably tell today has been all over the place which is reflected in my writing, I've also been watching a ton of anime again, literally been destroying season upon season, serie upon serie. Currently on Tokyo Ghoul. Decent so far, hopefully it gets better; on season 2 at the moment.
But that'll do me for the day. Got some shit to finish off.
Until tomorrow