Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 206
I'm aware, I didn't post over the weekend, but as it stands I don't plan on doing so at the moment, not whilst I haven't gotten a weekend schedule sorted out which I really can't do as they've busy af and something always comes up. So they're off the table for now until I get some clarity regarding them.

Well, now that's over with some catch-up is in order I suppose for you. Weekend was filled with going to the graveyard, seeing family, helping my dad with some course stuff, and fixing my computer! finally omg I am so relieved. Next is to maybe sort out some of the other drives, when I can be bothered.

Other than that not much else, I have been sleeping way too late these past few days, too much anime is to blame as well as just not being able to sleep at all. Let's just say the blood has-been-a-boiling as of late. wink wink

Today I woke up late also which was a pain, didn't end up being fully functional until about 11:30, then had a meeting and all that. Been swamped since then, barely any time for myself. Literally only here and there and even then it hasn't been enjoyable. I hope to find some time this evening, have a nice hot bath also. Will need to help my dad again but hopefully won't take too long.

I'm literally finding it so difficult to gather myself right now, I honestly don't know why anyone reads this lol

Anyway I'm done for the day, I may go play around with my old AF GPU as I can't get any 30 series GPUs. sad times.
