Day 211
Yah yah I know I've missed a large chunk of last week but it wasn't entirely down to my own laziness but also my ibs playing up. Yeah I was quite unwell over this past week and due to that reason I was being extra lazy also. So it mean I wasn't all that productive.
That being said; I did start picking up the pace over the weekend, had a couple of meetings. Felt much better and watched all of season 1 of Dr. Stone.
My trading stuff has also started to pick up as these last couple of weeks I've been focusing on more long term trading. Out of the 4 coins I chose 2 have been sold and two remain for the time being. I'm bullish on one of of but not the other (wow terminology much)
Things are moving forward with cardano development and the pool meetings picking up now. As well as a forever maturing vision of things ahead, which is nice. Just been finalising costs and the like.
Other than that, today has felt hella lazy as the weather is so good I'm sitting outside Writing this up (idk why that capitalised but I'm too lazy to change it) I got a pack of sweets and have been eating that whilst slowly working away.
I'm on my break now which I will enjoy after this post, that'll be all.
P.s its funny how I always miss posts out whenever I talk about wanting to become disciplined with these posts lol