Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 309
Sooo today was actually a really tiring day. It all started when I couldn't really fall asleep last night, maybe it was the excitement of going back into the office on a Monday morning! Or, not. Who can tell?! My legs were hurting and thus prevented me from falling asleep quickly – like I always do this to myself it's like a whole ass stupid routine, my legs hurt I do nothing about it for hours then I stretch and fall asleep – I did eventually like God knows when and before I knew it my alarm woke me up. You see those of you who have been around know I struggle with keeping up a good routine, it's easily one of my most talked, written? Topics since the days of old. But now I really feel like I've managed to get a good one going! It's really balanced and nice but the only issue is I have to wake up early which I can't do and sleep early which is always a struggle.

I know what you're thinking, sleep later and wake up later. It makes the most sense but I don't want to! I know I'm not a morning person but I feel the most productive and despite having sleeping early, I really appreciate getting a good nights rest. I mean the quality of sleep is that much better. I just have to lean into it and stop being a punk ass bitch.

Other than that, I've honestly forgotten tf I'm on about, I was in the office, first day of many and it was very quiet, I got what I wanted done and I was productive and such a great worker bee. I've pretty much filled my personal quota for the week lol like tomorrow I'll try to chill as much as possible and see where it lands me.

I'm now tired and at peace. Well I hope. I've managed to get myself into bed which isn't the hard bit, the falling asleep is. But once I do then dayum I love sleep. I mean who doesn't, it's amazing.

I could write more but I won't.

