Day 37
Well today, what can I say about the day I'm entangled within, it's not the start of a great one, I don't know why I've been feeling terribl, I've been on a gradual slump in terms of emotion and mood, Sunday started off as good and I feel like a rock climber trying to regain his position but keeps slipping due to the wet stonned wall which he's trying to embark upon. Maybe it's due to me being cooped up all week and generally a midweek outing helps break it up, but I have moments like these, where it feels like I'm circling the drain speak.
But odd as it sounds, getting these thoughts out in the open actually is helping weirdly enough. I'm not the most articulate when it comes to opening up, mainly due to the fact that I often need time to process these things and most of the time I don't give a moment to it.
Honestly I don't what it is, I do feel slightly better, my eyes have opened wider and my heart feels that much more relaxed. Strange, I guess the acknowledgement itself helps the body process it, its like the mind has gotten the green light to start working on things, whereas before it's a thought that is pushed further back in obscurity.
Honestly I have more reasons to be grateful and thankful than otherwise. I live under a stable roof, I have a job and love from those around me (not so sure about respect as I'm the youngest lol) the weather is good, so plants and animals are getting what they need, I'm not living in an active warzone or extreme poverty, so I think at times I loose (lose?) myself and get lost. We all need time to realign ourselves and be merciful to ourselves.
“So” “so” “so” “STONKS! AM I RIGHT?” Wow I should become a screenplay writer, much talent in my words. But yeah umm (who umms in writing) I've got a fair amount to do today, a couple of tickets for work, maybe a couple of side-project stuff, the works. I want to get some reading done at some point too and I need to finish off my schedule. One thing I truly dislike with myself is how I stop things, I need to implement real consistency in things I do. It's really so bad.
That'll be all for my morning/afternoon post, until later on then.