Day 38
Today was very much a blur. It came, it conquered and now it's left me tired, drained and laying in bed. Writing my first post where I haven't been sat at my computer to right this. But I'm laying down on my phone, typing away. It's a different experience but it's not too shabby.
So let's start off with last night, after my post (which I didn't even update toward the end of the day) I had a meeting around 5pm, which lasted about 2 hours or so. It was for one of the projects I'm working on with my friend, let's just say the meeting was extremely stressful, long and mentally draining. Let's just say a lot of coins have been lost in the ether and they're worth quite a bit. So after that, I need to lay down as I do and relax mentally. After that had dinner and my usual routine, then I get a call around 9:30ish and arranged a meet-up with some friends.
We ended up all gathering around 11:30ish at one of my friends house. It was nice and a pleasant meet up. After an hour or so half left and only 4 of us remained behind.
So the usual chat and meetup, we ended up speaking about deep topic, some of which I don't wish to delve into due to any type of repercussions, we also spoke about elitism, secret societies, Panama Papers (you get the gist.) One thing led to another it was super late. I was really tired and forgot I had work the next day.
One reason as to why this was a problem was because; I had a meeting. I was in bed, basically unable to sleep, it was one of those unconscious conscious sleeps right up and til 10:45. Then the heat slapped me in the face. I was drained and tired, barely slept, now I was hot AFF. Here we have a different type of heat. Due to the way the houses are designed and the lack of AC anywhere. We're basically fucked (for the lack of a better word) so hot air filled the house quickly, no escape, hot breeze didn't help and it was plain awful. I didn't even turn on my PC because I didn't want that extra heat in my bedroom.
On top of that, today was the day of 'Id. For those who don't know it's one of the two days of celebration for Muslims. So chuck in a load of people in a already baking hot house and you have problems. For some reason we have no fans in the house so air was unable to be circulated.
The day itself, was busy and tiring; seeing family who I hadn't in so long was nice, eating lovely food also was nice. But honestly tired me out, I also did my back in somehow which is always nice and the day just went by in a blur.
So now I lay here, showered and slightly cooler than before, defeated and beaten not even sure whether or not the post made sense. Hell I didn't even feel like doing so but I held myself to a higher standard. So you're welcome.
I'll most likely sleep after this but who knows I may be tempted going out if called upon. I mean outside is so nice and breezy whereas my room is beating me down with hot air and a promise of good sleep.