Day 54
I feel like I've been writing day 54 for awhile now, I keep double, triple checking the last blog entry as well as any other Anon posts for it. But it seems to be so, that tiday is the first day 54. I feel like I've been stagnant for a couple of weeks or so, as mentioned extensively over these last handful of posts. I hope to resume to normal starting tomorrow, I want to get enough rest after getting like 5 hours. Then kickstart my week and see what happens next.
Today started too early, I woke up at 12 and just could not fall back asleep, I didn't get out of bed until a few minutes to 2 and then had a class, which finished around half 3. Then I had to provide some in-house tech support to my family which I didn't mind lol. After whihch I started cleaning up some files on my machine, then I ate inbetween around 4ish or so.
Then I went back to my desk and working on some projects and whatnot and then I was watching some American Dad in the background. Then went downstairs and entertained my neice for a bit and chilled with my family. then somehow I ended up on my parents bed which I was there for awhile. Then struggled up to my own bed and decided I felt like a movie. So I chose Safe House, I've inadvertently ended up on a Denzel Washington movie marathon, I guess something I wouldn't have done before lol.
Last, after getting into bed, I got a call from someone who I hadn't heard from awhile and he invited me to jump out and I hadn't seen him in a fair bit so I decided to jump out and that was around half 10 or 11. It was an enjoyable night out and was the first in about a week or so. Got home around 4ish I think, and man I could not nor did I feel like sleeping which wasn't good but fortunately today was Sunday. But I ended up forcing myself to sleep around 7am and I woke up at 12. That says enough in all honesty, surprisingly I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be.
But yeah that's pretty much my day, nice and relaxing at times, not stressfull BUT (and my, oh my, this is a big but) I had an awful time on the crypto markets, I was not paying enough attention, took some dumb risks and did a lot of trades when I was either half asleep or not paying attention when investing in risky coins. I did manage to claw back a lot of my losses but honestly too many rookie mistakes. But this week I'll be back on it and make some moniessss.
Just a reminder, to checkout, ADA stakepool created by my friend and I. Literally for the noobs by the noobs :D If you wanna know more about it then I'd recommend joining our Telegram page or contact me directly.
That'll be all for tonight as I write this to the incredible 'The Strokes' yeee