Day 56
On page 6 now, with day 56, I was thinking whether or not I should have the latest post first, I mean it's gotten to a point where it's spread over 6 pages now and I don't know whether to restructure the posts or not. Whatever is easiest to be honest, but I don't know; it isn't like current readers are going to be reading the earlier posts in fairness and I don't think newer readers are going to sit through 6 pages worth of posts, all with varying post lenghts. I'll keep it as if for now. I think I'm forgetting myself in counting the audience, as this is for me first and whoever is reading it is a by-product of that. We'll see I suppose.
Today, I woke up a bit later than usual actually when my alarm when off which is currently set to 11, to be honest it should be for 10 but I keep forgetting to change it and I appreciate the extra sleep. I stayed in bed for the first time in ages on a weekday, which I don't know is a good thing or not but I wanted to take it a bit slow. Got up out of bed for about half 12, washed up and whatnot and immediately started my work day.
It's been very busy today and I haven't liked it on bit, I feel like I have so much to do and honestly it is kinda overwhelming me. Usually I note down the tasks I want to complete and it help clears my mind but today and yesterday I have been getting this new thought process of; “What am I missing out” which is honestly super annoying because even though I've listed everything out, in the back of my mind is that nagging feeling that isn't going away and it feels like my brain is going to explode. I've getting headaches but located at the top of my head and occasionally but usual places of the front. My eyes have been stinging as well as stiffness of the upper neck. So yah a lot to deal with, I feel like my own mind and body are stressing itself out.
I'm also trying to get into the habit of writing multiple updates a day as I feel its the best way for me to get everything off of my chest, whereas if I write it in the evening I am not able to express myself in the same manner as I would as soon as I wake up or mid afternoon.
But yeah I need to get back to ticking more tasks off my list, and maybe have another break of laying down again as I did like an hour ago now. For whatever reason they really help calm me down and visualising what I'm going to do next helps me cope and focus myself.
But anyways until later.
The rest of my day was alright, I managed to tick off more tasks which always feels good and productive, managed to do some server maintenance on the Cardano node, need to do some more tomorrow to finish of my tasks for the week, and got the meeting tomorrow. I also managed to fit in some outdoor exercise which also felt good. Then I layed down for a bit in order to rest and all that.
Then went to my cousins, it's been awhile since I went there chilled out and played some PS4, played this fun game which I can't remember the name but it was quite funny and jokes. We probably spent like 5 hours there and recently got home.
Overall, the second half of the day was better than the first part, I think getting out of the house also helped and making progress on my tasks, hopefully tomorrow is a continuation of getting shit done as tomorrow is definitely going to be a busy ass day.
Now I shall retire to my bed.