Day 62
Today I woke up earlier than I wanted to, mainly because I forgot to change the time of my alarm, like before going to sleep I said to myself that I really need to do so, Lo! and behold, I didn't and woke up at too early and it was horrible, my eye bags are looking worse and my eyes are increasingly bloodshot. I feel like they're super swollen. Also my body has been feeling more sore and stiff, I really need to restart my yoga and keep my body active or something! I need to do something!
The day was the same as always, but I did things in a slightly different order. After waking up and washing up, my meeting was postponed again and I used that time to wander around the house lol, I honestly did that a lot today, I did some work, to be honest I didn't feel like doing any work at all, and it ended up being a busy day once again. But pushed through that, also took a bath around 2, because the body soreness was too much for me be comfortable.
Last night, went out and chilled out with a couple of friends, interesting topics of conversation and an overall chill night, it was also actually chilly as I wore shorts, which kind of ended up being a mistake. Got home around half 1, then got into bed and honestly I don't know where the time flew, because next thing I know it was 3:30 then next thing I know I was asleep waking up to the sound of my alarm.
After that, more work and I wrote a short story of sorts, it was actually the fleshing out of a new story that I want to write up but I need to complete another one before that, before I can dedicate detail to it. That took about an hour and a half maybe even two. I did this at the start of the day which honestly made me feel super productive but it was downhill after that.
After some more work, I spent like an hour or so just chatting with my brother and catching up. It was the first time in ages that I had done so, so it was nice gaining an insight and understading on his state of mind and plans as well as ambitions. Then soon after it was dinner time. Then chilling out with the family and my cousins, Uncle and Aunt had come also, so we were just hanging out.
After they felt I retired to my bedroom, played some polytopia until my battery was on the verge of death, came to my desk and put it on charge. My friend informed me that Mouthy Budda had a new video out (on the old YouTube) and I checked it out. (Warning: it is not for the faint hearted, so caution be advised if you wish to check it out.) It was a 40 min or so video and it flew by, very well put together video but very dark and horrifying subject matter.
Since then, I've been watching some basketball videos, writing this out and maybe try to get out of the house for a bit but that is looking extremely more unlikely. So I may have a nice night in (we'll see.)