Day 76
So just about writing this on time I think, and yes I'm counting this as Tuesday's post albeit extremely late. Today I woke up late but I did sleep earlier than I usually have been which mean I got some good sleep in. I'm always grateful for that, it was a bit tough forcing myself to sleep initially as I'm so used to sleeping late. Even today I find myself awake at this hour when I should be asleep but I thought let me finish this off before I get some rest.
I didn't do much during the day but it felt like a productive day nonetheless, my only aim was to get this laptop done which needed to be dropped off to the post office, my time limit was 5:30 as that's when they closed plus it was going overseas so it was absolutely imperative that it went out on time.
I got up out of bed around 1ish I think, after delaying my alarm clock a couple of hours, then finally managed to force myself up, washed up and got to work. Had one annoying issue with Outlook but thankfully managed to fix it. I didn't even get time to eat which was annoying, finished that around 3:30 and left for a nice walk, it was quite warm today which isn't common for September but it's going to get way colder soon enough. After that I got home around 4 and thought there was no point in having food I would just wait for dinner.
So I carried on working for a bit then layed down for some time, until dinner then I ordered some food for everyone and it was a nice meal, got filled up pretty quickly as it was my first meal even now I'm not that hungry to be honest. Then went back to laying down and I pretty much fell asleep around 8pm and then was awoken.
I got up, thought let me catch some fresh air and get out of the house. I hadn't done so since Saturday night, so I did. Called my friend went out and most caught up, talked a fair amount and ended up leaving around 2, by the time I got into bed and finished this anime it was like 3.
Literally ended up on YouTube and 35 mins later thought I should actually get some sleep. But also felt like I should write, cause if I loose this then I'm gonna loose that discipline that I've been craving to ascertain once again. It's the little things that help you get back on track.
So despite it being a short catch up to the day, and in all honesty not much happened, it'll help me get back into the swing of things once again. I hope to more orderly when it comes to timings again and everything else. I also need to stop pushing back my sleeping and try to sleep good again. It's really starting to get troublesome.
But hopefully I can get some good sleep and be refreshed for tomorrow and the rest of the week.
So smell ya later.