Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 78
Well today was a big improvement over the last couple of weeks, I started to pull my shit together, I woke up at the same usual time with an email from my manager, rather sarky but I managed to put his mind at ease; reminding him that I start late and it was agreed upon. I think he just forgot that he allowed me to do it lol but after that it was okay. Had a productive day at work and managed to get a lot of shit done which felt quite good, getting back into the swing of things and all that. Most of it was sorting out support queries and the like but the little stuff gets your mind right when tackling some of the longer term issues or more difficult ones. So got that done.

I also cleaned up my room. Which was a big, big thing for me as the air around the room was that of darkness, dirt and general negativity. So I tidied my clothes away, cleared out some mess, organised things, hoovered the room, washed the sheets and then proceeded to clean up my desk and by the end of it I felt really good. I did this at the start of the day so it enforced that state of mind.

After that I did work, had a call with my friend I'm doing the Cardano stuff with, for the first time in like two weeks or so. We setup some tasks for the coming week, primarily based around building a community and development. You can guess who's doing what lol. After that was dinner, boy was I hungry, then chilled with the family a bit and came up to my room.

I layed in bed and relaxed a little, my friend called me out, he was insistent and I thought last outing why not. We had a good laugh and chatted a lot of shit tbh compared to our usual catch ups lol. Got home at a decent time also, thankfully not too late at all. I think it was around 1ish or something. Got into bed, did the usual routine and it went on a bit later than I would have liked but still an hour on yesterday, so slowly brining it down to a manageable time hopefully my Sunday night it'll be at like 1:30, 2 I'll be asleep. Which is my preferred time in all honesty.

Now I'm not gonna go out over the next few days, probably even weeks now with the new Corona laws coming into place, this will give me a chance balance myself and hopefully start afresh and I hope to use this weekend to do so.

Now I'll try to keep up with the regular posts but don't blame me if I slack. I'm trying to find inner peace again lol.

I'll probably end up sleeping shortly, I'll aim for lights out at 3 and then fall asleep shortly after, it seems like everyday I'm sleeping an hour before or even half an hour before the previous day, even 5 mins is an improvement.

But yeah these posts have really helped me out recently because I'm able to write about my current state, I naturally remember it and then have a benchmark against it whereas if it's just in your mind then I'm not really reflecting as effectively. But that's just me.

That'll be all from me. Hopefully tomorrows post will be a lot earlier than this one. That's another thing I wanna improve upon again.
