Day 98
Another day in the office, hopefully the last for the foreseeable but you never know. What I do know is that I am going to be very busy over these next two days unfortunately but that's just part of the job. A few laptop upgrades and fixes that need to be done, I mean it is going to be busy af. I much rather be doing project work than support tickets too but just have to deal with it and get it done.
Enough about work, last night was just a nightmare in terms of sleep. I went to bed right after I wrote up the post, blackout by 12:30 in preps of sleeping and then just the worst sleeping experience I've had in awhile. So lights out around half 12, then I look at my phone it's 1:40, then I look at my phone it's 4:40 or something similar. At this point I was so tired of trying to sleep I decided to stay awake. Browsing the web, YouTube, prayed the dawn prayers and then soon after I went back to sleep. Then I wake up around half 9, 10ish. I try going back to sleep but to no avail. I read a couple of work messages, get up (I really needed a dump) got ready and left for work.
Work wasn't too bad, I got there in an hour or so which was decent, I did the work I needed to do, got everything done by about 2ish, got my BOBBA finally, then headed back home and got back around 3:04pm or something to that affect.
Then met my mate in the usual spot, we were there until about 6ish, some other friends came as we were leaving, stayed a bit but then left. I wasn't even home long then went to play football, which started at 8.
Now that was an experience. There was some tension building in the football group chat and who's good and all that (lol I know) and it had been building for about a few days after the teams were created essentially. The game itself was very enjoyable but my legs fucked up majorly, first I cramped my left I think it was, then soon after my right cramped up and boy they are painful AFFFF. But we won which is all that matters.
When I got home, wobbling as both legs were fucked, I had a hot bath (which was a mistake) my left ankle started cramping up which was fucking painful and ontop of all that my right heel has been killing me. Due to footy. Someone must've studded me or something.
Then I ate a fucking ton of food for dinner (late again I might add, idk I've been eating so late) quarter chicken, 3 wings and strips and salad with chips. Bloody delicious I might say lol.
Now I type this up, the left leg is in far better shape than the right at the moment, could be due to me putting on the cold water for longer on that leg, so tomorrow morning I'll most likely ice them both and see how I feel.
Now it is time for me to sleep, I'm quickly going to finish off this laptop that needs to be shipped off tomorrow, for some reason outlook isn't connecting to the server. Hopefully it won't take too long and by that time my food should digested some.
Until then. Smell you later