A micro blog from a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.

Update 1:

I was reading an article that said, “As we know, nutrition science is still very young. Still not old enough to be trusted with scissors.” So I looked around for a publish date on the article and couldn't find any. So how the heck does someone reading that article know, that nutrition science probably isn't young anymore and that this article is old and needs to be updated with new research?

I only point that out because with the emergence of the Digital Garden trend, people have been taking out the “publish dates” from their posts, to make their posts seem like it has evergreen content.

I'm writing this while eating a great tasting sandwich and listening to good music on my lunch break. Life is good. But I know that's not the case for everyone else. What did I do to deserve all this? Thank you Lord for the blessings.

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