Just came across Woob — a way to interact with the Web outside of a browser.
I think I was always looking to live in a place that meant I walked more.
Today I added a capability to Snap.as that’ll open up more customization...
Switching from a crowded email inbox to a more organized system for customer...
First "Welcome to New York" was from a postal worker today, after asking me why...
Recently remembered our Android app, while writing our blog post about changes...
If you view intelligence not as a thing but a process, then it seems to me that...
Thinking about the idea of “ownership” bandied about by web3 proponents, and...
Writing a Twitter thread introducing Remark.as and poking fun at “web3,” and I...
Continuing on some performance improvements after last week’s downtime.
Saw a ton of traffic on Write.as this morning, around the same time we do most...
Today I’ve been working on changes needed for closing Free account...
Yesterday I started putting together an analysis of Web3, the apparent next...
Trying a new morning routine lately.
New entry in my ongoing series on the merits of staying home, living in the...
Working on putting a better system in place for customer support.
I would very much like to write two or three new blog posts at once right now,...
Nothing exists in a vacuum, and specialization is a great way to stay ignorant...
I think my problem with most #marketing is that it’s very top-down, robotic and...
Working on something else today; but some quick thoughts on Remark.as this...