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Representative Triggers Fire Alarm and Faces Reprimand

Representative Barney Smalls, a Democrat from Alabama, activated the fire alarm at the US Capital just outside the House of Representatives Chamber before a highly anticipated debate on the floor. Rep. Smalls did not dispute that he activated the alarm and clear surveillance video confirms his actions. He did, however, claim that he was attempting to activate the “handicap” button to automatically open the doors to the House Chamber, which was due to an injury he recently suffered while playing a pickup shuffle board game. That claim has been disputed by Capital Police as the fire alarm panel was more than 30 feet from the door. Video surveillance soon after the fire alarm was triggered showed Rep. Smalls at a back door of the Capital building smoking a cigarette. The bill to be debated that morning was related to significant changes to tobacco legislation, which was expected to easily pass the House. Rep. Smalls faces a reprimand for activating the alarm in an attempt delay official House proceedings and for smoking within 12 feet of the Capital door.