This is a journal of events in my life that caused my severe cPTSD

I can remember being in freshman year of highschool at Hubbard in Chicago. I was walking home at the end of day with hundreds of other kids just let out.

Roughly 20 of us are standing at 63rd and Hamlin waiting to cross. When we hear a siren from Chicago police car who is chasing a car that had just robbed a jewelry store.

I'm standing to the right of a light post while there is a girl less than two feet away from me on other side of pole when the police car swerves and crashes directly into the girl next to me, pinning her leg against the pole. Blood had shot all over me. The cop didn't pull back, he left her pinned while 50 of us were screaming at him to back off which he finally did! Felt like forever! She lost her leg!

When I went home and told my parents, my mother was more worried about washing my blood stained clothes than talking to me about what happened.