This is a journal of events in my life that caused my severe cPTSD

I can remember being in softmore year of highschool in Chicago, Hubbard high School. I had a music teacher named Guy Mack who would always be asking students to come do work at his house after school hours. He invited me.

I went and he sexually molested me. I've heard he was later arrested, but I have no proof or closure on this. I told my parents and they did nothing. It was basically just forgotten. But never forgotten by me.

I started using drugs and alcohol heavily at this time. Including acid, weed, mushrooms, amphetamine, cocaine. You just can't understand the SHAME that one carries around with them for a lifetime.

I'm now 57 and my mother has just blamed me for not telling her?? But I did tell you mom, you did nothing.

Guy mack music teacher Hubbard high School Chicago