- Remix で作ったシンプルなアプリケーション
- テナント – データセット(Metadataと呼ぶ)- 各レコード の階層構造をもつ
- 現状、4-5ページ程度でデータのCreate/Update/Deleteは同ページ内のモーダルで実装
- データストアに Firestore を使用
- 一部のページは開発しておらず、フロントエンドにデータ直書きの静的ページ
Read all files in @/meken/ , create feature list on @/docs/features.md
- **Linting**: Uses ESLint for code linting with configurations for React and TypeScript.
- **Remix Framework**: Built using Remix for server-side rendering and routing.
- **React Components**: Utilizes React for building the user interface.
- **Radix UI**: Implements Radix UI primitives for accessible UI components.
- **Tailwind CSS**: Uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
- **Firebase Integration**: Integrates with Firebase for backend services such as authentication, data storage, and more.
- **Typescript**: Uses Typescript for type checking.
- **Vite**: Uses Vite as a build tool.
- **Database Client**: Interacts with a MySQL database.
- **Support for environment variables**: Uses `.env` files to store environment variables.
- **Lucide React**: Uses Lucide React for icons.
- **Papaparse**: Uses Papaparse for CSV parsing.
- **class-variance-authority**: Uses class-variance-authority for managing class name variations.
- **tailwindcss-animate**: Uses tailwindcss-animate for animations.
- テナント一覧表示
- データ一覧表示
- データとテーブルの紐づけ
- **Tenant Management**:
- Display a list of tenants.
- Create new tenants.
- Update existing tenants.
- Delete tenants.
- **Result Metadata Management**:
- Display a list of result metadata associated with a tenant.
- Create new result metadata for a tenant.
- Associate a table with result metadata.
- Display the status of result metadata (e.g., "未着手", "進行中", "承認待ち", "承認済み", "却下").
- **Record Management**:
- Display a list of records associated with a result metadata.
- Display details for each record, including JAN, product name, manufacturer, brand, status, and validator.
- Indicate the status of each record (e.g., "要確認事項あり", "OK", "未確認").
60点 !指示したプロンプトの箇条書きの項目に沿って作ってくれたみたい。