Litany: God Sends Us
Adapted and written for Holy Saturday vigil
One: God, you created Creation and called it good.
Enable us to move from silence into action
to care for this Earth.
Many: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
One: God, you created humanity and called us good.
Challenge us to love each other and see the face of God in the eyes of a stranger,
no matter who they are and how you created them.
Many: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
One: God, you give abundantly – enough food for the world to eat and be filled.
You give us enough, so transform the way we live
that we may share this abundance so that no one is poor.
Many: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
One: God, you come that we might have peace for neighborhoods and for nations.
Through love and service, may we mend broken relationships
and bend down to bless even those who intend us harm.
Many: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
One: God, you promise that the deepest night gives way to morning.
You gather our tears and our hearts into your care and bless us.
Renew us in the hope of resurrection.
Many: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
One: You have heard the good word.
Even on this day of silence, God is not silent.
God suffers alongside us, and God even now births a New Creation.
Let us go to the tomb in expectation for what God is doing in and through us.