Prayer of Confession
Note: This #litany and prayer of confession was written in 2012 and links Palm Sunday and Advent.
Leader: Lord of Creation,
You seem to be one that likes to make curious entrances into the world
– burning bushes, wild dreams, booming questions, cryptic prophecies, a child born of a virgin, even a low budget parade.
We confess that we don’t always see or understand the way You move in the world. We are not always on the look out or ready to join up in your cosmic procession.
On this day then, receive these prayers of confession and renewal.
March into our midst today.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March in and disrupt our everyday routine that we can live lives that are filled with justice and compassion.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March in to our situations when we sin against You and our neighbors.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March into our heads when we think we are not good enough.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March into out hearts when we think we don’t deserve to be loved or have love to share.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March into our silence when we feel deserted or abandoned.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March into our grief and weep with us.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March into this world that Your kingdom, heaven on earth, may reign forever.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
March against empires built on violence and war. March for youth and children abused and killed, for peoples oppressed and enslaved.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Leader: Hear this good news:
There is room in God’s parade for saints and sinners,
for idealists and pessimists,
for young and old.
God invites us to join the celebration
– forgiveness and reconciliation abound!
Thanks be to God. Amen