The project of converting my front yard from turf grass with Asian shrubs to all native plants.

Busy Busy

Alas, I didn't get pictures of today's work. I did some weeding in the flowerbeds. And I went round with the sprayer of clethodim to get the spots I missed last time, as well as grass that sprung up between logs and branches. Plus cracks in the driveway, road, and gutter.

I really hope it's effective against the Johnson grass, which I deeply despise.

Removed one of the hedge skeletons so the dogs could get more access to their relief area.

Next up:
* Setting up the blackberry and pea/bean climbing areas.
* Chipping the branches for mulch.
* Carving out the stump planters.

Further out:
* Sourcing, building, or adapting a Little Free Library.
* Enhanced seating and walking area around the library.
* Fall seeding.