The project of converting my front yard from turf grass with Asian shrubs to all native plants.

Clethodim Works

A front yard where an area approximately 12 feet diameter has greener grass. The rest of the grass is yellow.

Clethodim is a grass selective herbicide I'm using to eradicate the turf grass in the project. When I mowed this whole section, I applied Clethodim everywhere except in the dog fence area. Now I've moved the fence to mow more and complete the application.

While it will take several weeks for the sprayed grass to completely die, you can see it's definitely not growing.

Already my Virginia buttons are starting to creep into the dying grass. This is a very good thing.

The dirt pile in the foreground has nothing to do with the spraying. That's where one of my mother's planters broke and I just left the dirt there.

July 01, 2023