News and Observations from your Friendly Neighborhood Xennial

Social Media and Blogging Changes

I have often felt so overwhelmed with social media that I struggle to know what or when to post and end up not posting anything. In an effort to simplify, focus, and improve my communication efforts when I am not streaming live, I have decided to consolidate my social media and make use of this blog more.

Going forward, I will no longer be posting content on my Instagram and Threads accounts and will be using my Mastodon account as my only active social media account for all things Newfangled.

If you are not currently using Mastodon, I highly recommend it. It's a free, decentralized, open source social media platform that is not run by or beholden to any single company or organization. You can learn more about it at

If you have an RSS reader, you can subscribe to any Mastodon account by adding .rss at the end of the URL. So if you want to subscribe to my Mastodon account via RSS, here's the URL for that:

I am also going to try using this blog a lot more than I have been for things that I have been doing on Discord – making announcements, sharing schedule updates/changes, commenting on music and tech news that interests me, sharing stream playlists, and more. I have actually been thinking about retiring the Discord server altogether, but I'll write a dedicated post about that later.

You can subscribe to this blog via RSS and you can even subscribe to specific hashtags within the blog as their own feeds! So if you're only interested in the music stuff, for example, you could subscribe to the music-related hashtags.

Another neat feature with this blog is that you can subscribe to email updates. So if RSS isn't your thing, but you'd like to be notified via email whenever I post, just enter your email address in the sign-up form at the bottom of the main page!

I hope these changes will not only make it easier for me to keep you all engaged and informed when I'm off the air, but easier for you to keep up to date about Newfangled things.


#updates #announcements