“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” – Douglas Adams

Introducing myself #Blaugust2024

So, I decided to join the Blaugust 2024! It's my first time. I love that there are weekly themes and prompts ideas to write. I've already discovered some cool participating blogs!

I will introduce myself this week, then.

Hi, my name is Ariadne. I'm a woman in my mid 40's and I have been writing this blog since 2012 or so. I've kept the same name since the beginning, when I started it in Tumblr, then quickly moved to Wordpress. By 2018 I moved to write.as and never looked back.

I have a background in Civil Engineering focused on buildings, but I really wanted to be a Computer Scientist. I've always loved computers! I started playing with them in the late 80's in a TK-85 with cassette tapes. I still work with computers and spreadsheets all day.

I work as a construction estimator for a big general contractor. I was born in Brazil, and I've been in Canada for 7 years. I've been together with my partner for almost 2 decades now (gosh, has it been that long?). He's my life love and best friend 😍. We've been through a lot together (including leaving everything behind and moving to a new country!).

📚 I love reading and I try to spend most of my downtime with books (in my case, e-books on my Kobo). Reading calms my mind and lets me explore different worlds and possibilities. I was mostly into sci-fi and fantasy for a long while, then some mystery, but now I'm branching out to cozier/fluffy reads with romance as well.

I'm an introvert. I need quiet time every day (and reading is perfect for that!). I hate crowds and noisy places. But I love rock and heavy metal.

I've developed several managing/coping skills for my anxiety and stress. I do yoga, I meditate, I journal, I blog, I exercise. I prioritize my sleep no matter what. I have dietary restrictions to manage acid reflux, so I don't eat out a lot. I cook 99% of my meals from scratch. I don't drink coffee or carbonated drinks. I don't drink alcohol. I avoid any type of spicy food, onions, pickles, citric foods, lactose.

I focus a lot on my wellbeing these days. Since my early 20's I had chronic low back pain, and it took me years to find out ways to manage it and be mostly pain free (exercise was the most important one). Everything I do today for my health is to avoid having that pain again. It was not fun because it was debilitating (really, sometimes I couldn’t walk!). I'm okay now, but I must keep up with my routines to keep it that way.

I'm also organized and a minimalist: I hate clutter, and I try to be very intentional with my belongings. I think a lot about organization and productivity: I love the GTD methodology and it has helped me so much!

🎮 I used to play a lot of video games (I grew up as PC gamer; I love a keyboard!). My all-time favorite games/series are Mass Effect, The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, Temple of Elemental Evil, SimCity, Age of Empires, Starcraft, to name a few.

Nowadays I'm playing cozy games like Stardew Valley and Dorfromantik.

So, that's it!

I probably won't be writing every day for the Blaugust, I don't want to put that much pressure on me, but I'm really enjoying the flexibility and sense of community with this initiative 👋.


Post 30/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)! and Blaugust2024!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #Blaugust2024 #Blaugust #introduction

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By Noisy Deadlines
Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.