β€œI love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” – Douglas Adams

My Reader Goals 2019

My good old Kindle

I challenged myself to read 52 books this year.
And I have a plan... 🧐

...Read more β€œHell, Yeah!” books.

The past few years I was experimenting a lot and reading books I would not really pick up at first glance. And looking back I saw that my average rating for all the books I read was 3.9. I think that's low. That means I didn't read enough books that I thought were really exciting. I read lots of β€œmeh” books.
You can see a list of all my read books here.

This year I want to read books that have been on my β€œto be read list” for some time because they are sequels to stories I already love.

Also, I was inspired by the Reading Glasses challenge (great podcast about Book Culture, BTW) and borrowed some of their ideas to my Reader Goals:

I am sure I'll keep adding titles to this list but I will try to consider this my priority list for 2019 😎

#reading #books #readinglist #ReaderGoals

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By Noisy Deadlines
Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.