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An Alternative to Conspiracy Theories

This article was originally published on Medium on July 10, 2022 (https://medium.com/non-monetized-together/an-alternative-to-conspiracy-theories-10f07d1e87fe?source=friends_link&sk=67f61dad9daec014adac451fe8ecf8eb)

#CriticalThinking #Life #Skill #Idea #Short

I’ve found an alternative to conspiracy theories, and I believe it to be superior in every way. Instead of holding specific suspicions, just identify industries that have the power and resources to pull off a conspiracy, and be careful around them.

One problem I have with conspiracy theorists is that they usually don’t have the means to get in touch with the people who they believe are involved in the conspiracy. It sounds like a threat to the validity of a conspiracy theory because they wouldn’t be able to get information straight from the source, which could be used to clear things up, strengthen evidence in favour of the conspiracy, or introduce something new to the picture. And even if those in power make a public statement addressing the conspiracy, they are not going to want to communicate directly with many individual conspiracy believers who have questions of their own. It would be a waste of time for them.

With my alternative, I wouldn’t have this problem, because there would be no particular case to solve, just a general attitude of skepticism. Also, I wouldn’t have to worry about people making up conspiracy theories to take advantage of me, and I could be a lot more open-minded. This solution involves skill and I don’t think I have really have gotten the hang of it yet, but I believe it is more useful.

Did I miss anything? Does my idea have any disadvantages to conspiracy theories? Do you have any other ideas?
