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Here's a New Genre, Have Fun!

Elnaz Asadi/Unsplash

This post was originally published on March 1, 2022 on Medium (https://medium.com/@non-monetized_together/heres-a-new-genre-have-fun-9da99905b762?source=friends_link&sk=89edf929eeeb24039dc20d45881bb7dc)

#PostsecondaryEducation #Politics #BachelorsDegree #Sociology

I have an idea for a new approach to creative works. Not just writing but all forms of art. My idea here is to forget about established characteristics of quality and instead to focus solely on the entertainment factor.

Medium editors, this means that grammatical or spelling errors are left in there by design, so please do not fix them!

So here is my attempt at this creative form:

AMSTERONGpbj_5MILLYUN died from an Uzi knifle and is now a ghost. Trapped in a balloon. But where did the balloon came from?  After which he forgot how to live. Cause he dead.

Trapped in a balloon. One day the ghost saw his sister skiing and rolled over to see her. “Hi,” he said. But it came out like “quack.”

The sister did n ot notice. She packed her stuff and left.

Tomorrow, she receives a call from her niece. “talks in Polish.” The two finish talking and leave. The call was to ask the sister about plans for seeing each other. The sister said she was too busy with work and her dead brother.

Winter rolls around. The sister was huddling under the blanket to keep warm. Suddenly, she heard a voice. It was her phone talking to her.


“Hi,” the sister said nervously.

“I’m lonely,” said the phone.

“You shouldn’t have feelings,” exclaimed the sister.

The phone then read out a recipe for chilli stew.

