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A letter to a Voter

Imagine trying to be the best doctor and they really want to help people and build a better society. Society is judgmental and cruel. We only see what’s in front of us and what we are told. No one remembers that, these are still human beings who in their mind think they are trying to do what’s best for the patients. Sometimes a patient dies, and we take it out on the doctor, because it’s the obvious choice to blame. We forgotten that everything happens for a reason there is not coincidence. Things have a start and an ending; just like our daily lives, our clock, an activity, a movie, relationships, friendships. Everything stars and ends just like our lives. We just don’t understand sometimes that things end and some start. Next time you see or hear a politician or our forerunners, stop and think that in their mind they think they are trying to do what’s best for our country. They get to go to bed with the weight of disappointment, judgment , anger , frustration and hatred from all of us watching. You may not agree with a political party or president, but come one people, let’s be more civil and see that they are at least putting themselves out there. They are trying to make a chance for the good or bad. We are just here complaining and bitching because they are taking money out of our checks to fund their careers? But we have never really taken the initiative to do anything about trying to change or destroy our country. Just be nice and remember they are humans like us. We either complain about them or idolize them. We need to focus on what can we all do as a country and come together as one nation. Vote for whoever you want because if your right as an American. We just need to put politics aside when we get together and remind ourselves that we all want what's best according to our understanding and lifestyle. This November get there and vote. If you aren't registered, then go do it. It's your right and more than ever we need our voices be heard. We all just want one Nation united. We are the United States of America not the Divided States of America.