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English Channel

Last night I watched “Young woman and the sea” on Disney +. The movie is about a young American/German girl who survived measles and wasn’t allowed to swim because she could go deaf. Measles can affect the hearing even when cured from it. This girl by the name of Trudy went on to be the first woman to swim across the English Channel in 1926. That’s a 21 mile swim. That’s 36,960 yards. 5 men before Trudy had succeded the challenge. It was a very popular challenge, that very of the few got to cross the channel. Women weren’t allowed to swim without supervision, yet alone to compete professionally. Trudy after so many obstacles was able to succeed. As I was watching this movie, I was in awe, when she was swimming for 14 hours and 34 minutes. It’s almost like she had a super power. It got me thinking, are only the very few have a special gift and they master it? and the marjory don’t? From Picasso to Einstein, to any genius that changed history, they all have left a mark on us. Are most of us just born to be nothing more than the average intellectual human beings?. It is that only the very few have discovered the true meaning of life? Their purpose in life and went for it. Could it be possible to be able to shut off all frustrations, doubts, anger and negativity for a split second and discover what is what you were born to do?. We are so distracted by kids, work, peers and family that we need to survive not dream. Life is hard for the most of us. Maybe it has nothing to do with anything supernatural or a purpose. Simply is about hard work and perseverance, something is becoming extinct. We live in a society that have access to everything. We have unlimited choices to watch on tv, shop, and be social via entertainment. Remember growing up having that one special movie you watched over and over? Counting cars or making fog messages on the window of the car while going on a roadtrip? We didn’t have tablets, phones and too much entertainment. We didn’t have all of it but we had enough to still be content with life. We learned to work hard because we wanted more for ourselves and for our kids. We learned to work hard because life is hard. Most of us don’t come from money or entitlement. We learn to make money as quick possible to help the family or provide for the family. We worked in jobs that we will never work again. We dealt with people we never want to see again. Also made good friends that will carry for life. The job can also turn into a career. Is it me or today’s generation many can’t hold a job, refuses to take a job when he desperately needs the money. There’s a thing call “mental health day” where you can callout if you are having a bad day. A lot kids these days feel entitled to make lots of money with no hard work. Could it be partly the parents fault too? as an act of growing up with very little, we worked to hard to give everything to our kids. A lot of cases using this method truly pays off, but in most cases it comes with many regrets. I was one of those kids, I was given everything and became rotten most of my childhood. Went through a lot of growing up to learn to appreciate the things in life even when is very little. The one thing now that I never forgot was the values my mom gave me. I’ve worked since I was 16 and took a couple years off but other than that I’ve worked since I was young. My husband is a hard worker and being with him has made me smart with my money and that hard work pays off. We may never swim across the English Channel or work in our dream job, but we have worked hard. Very hard. Long hours, weekends, holidays, birthdays and so on, We have been poor and getting by ok. We all have stressed about money, we all have worked hard just to maintain the basis of being a human. Life is hard and nothing is free. There’s hope for our younger generation. We are the ones who need to plant good values, show them that hard work pays off and to want more in life. Just like our parents did to us, and we eventually came into our senses We are all just trying to survive and be happy. Whether you flip burgers or work in an office, a job is a fucking job.