Enter if you dare to read my thoughts!

Hey guys, my name is Frankie. I've always wanted to write but never had the balls to do so. My blog is primary for my own mental health. I'm fucking broken just as everyone else. Writing makes me happy, I just recently discover that. My blogs will be real and full of a lot of fucks. This is how my mind works. I'm not a professional writer, grammar was the fucking most boring shit growing up. Remember school rocks? I literaly just gave my age away haha. I hate writing, no seriously, I hate physical writing. I have a disability where my hand gets stiff when I write. I've always hated to write, my daughter has better writing skills than I do. You know how embarrassing is to have your arm stiff when you write? I hate it, always have and always will. When I was introduced to typing, I was blown away because my arms don't get stiff to type so it was like I was finally healed from this fucked up shit that brings me down. I want to have decent pen and paper writing skills but a 2 yr old writes better than me. Maybe I'm being a little melodramatic but you get the point. I'm a dad of 6, 3 with me and 3 out there in the world. If you read my previous post then you understand. I'm going to write whatever I want without apologizing to anyone. If you don't like it then you can fuck off and don't read anymore. I've spent all my life feeling like I didn't have a voice, like I was just passing through this life with no skill or purpose. Ive finally lately learned my worth as a person and I'm done feeling like I have to leave myself for last. I will write a lot of stuff about my everyday life, to analogies about life and faith. I said faith not religion. Fuck religion and all those fuckers who think they are above you. Not all people who are at church at good but most of them are. Anyways the post are for me primary to let it all out. if you think this guy is semi cool or a complete idiot please feel free to read up. I won't reply to any questions or concerns. I'll say this in the most nicest and sincere way. I don't give a fuck about your opinion nor concern. If you want to keep reading then do it but if you don't, then move on.