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I was watching the bear on Hulu. I was on the episode of “Seven Fishes”. If you have never seen the show, I'd suggest you stop right here and go watch such fucking amazing show. If you enjoy raw and real stories with great writing then this is your show. The entire episode is during Christmas time and Christmas means friends, family,joy, giving, and peace. The reality is that humanity is broken by nature so Christmas is expensive, hectic, crowded, drama, ungratefulness resentful. Christmas is real life and the chaos keeps bringing us back for more each year. Somehow we are excited about the uphoria of Christmas, knowing in the back of our mind that is all the opposite of what it sells. Seven fishes brings a fucking dysfunctional family together for one night of magic and the best fucking pasta in the world. Food brings family together. Food is the heart of a family. Food is also messy and it can kill you if you eat too much of it. There's an intense scene where Mickey and uncle Lee are having an argument about how they keep talking about the same shit over and over at family gatherings. Then things escalate, when uncle lee tells mickey that he's a failure. Things get so heated they are about to brawl. In that moment of rage, uncle lee looks right at Mickey as Richie is holding him back, and he says “you are nothing” “you are nothing” “you are nothing” “you are nothing' “you are nothing” as he continues to stare right at Mickey's eye, you can see mickey's reality is starting to sink in that moment, he truly is nothing. Uncle lee finishes it with “you are nothing” “you are nothing”. Seven fishes, seven insults, seven bullets to the heart, seven demons, seven grudges, seven curses, seven suicides. Mickey shoots himself later in life not too late from that scene. That scene was brilliant yet traumatizing. It really affected me personally because I've been cruel with my words, not as deep as this but I have killed with my words. Also others have put a bullet to my heart with their words too. There's a passage of the Bible that immidiatelly came to my mind and is from the book of James chapter 3 verse 1-12 that talks about the tongue and how no one on earth can control it. With the tongue we blessed and we curse with it. we can give happiness and pain. We make peace and war with it. The tongue is one of the smallest organ in the human body yet sets fires like nothing else. It brings me to realize how many people have I set on fire with my words or rescue from it? We all have curse and hurt others with our words. We've also have blessed and love others with our words. Humanity is fucked up, because in order to function we need to have a perfect balance in everything including killing others with our words or saving them. I can be a very negative person and my anxiety makes me only see the bad on a situation or in people. I often kill with my words. I've seen I caused damages to a lot of people, but the ones most wounded are the closest to me. I'm working on being more positive and see the best in people in general. Don't matter of your race, or gay, straight, trans, believer of God or any other god, or what political party you are part of. We are all humans at the end of the day. As far as we know we are the only living things in this universe. We constantly try to wipe it off the face of earth with actual weapons or with our tongue. Everyone has something good in them, we are humans, good and evil runs our soul. The choice is ours to decide which one to listen to. Looking for something positive on certain people can be extremely difficult and sometimes even torture, but there's good in most people. Next time you open your mouth think, will this kill someone or save them? Sometimes words cut so deep that you suck the soul of that person, and they end up hallow their entire life or commits suicide. You want to kill someone or damage someone who makes you angry or hurt? my advice is “Kill them with kindness.