My Journey to Zion

A People's History and Citizens Unite(d)

I want to write songs. Not sure how, but part is going to have to be writing poems again. I don't think I want to make either of these a song, but they are what came from my recent thoughts reading A People's History of the United States, The 1619 Project, First Family: Abigail and John Adams, and American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.

A People's History

I thought my people were the heroes—
The beautiful words,
Elevated ideals—
Leaving their families to do the work of God.
Risking their wealth and position
To fight against tyrany.

I was wrong.
I have to imagine my people:

No photos.
Few words.
Only portraits of American lords
Calling them worthless,

It's true.
No worth—no heroes' hoarded wealth.
No work—only for heroes' servants and slaves.
No learning—no heroes' leather-bound libraries.

I'm left to imagine them,
But maybe it's not so hard—

Wars for American wealth that do nothing for me
Except pit me against the poorer,
Leaving me guilty for crimes I couldn't stop.
Wondering how my kids will make it.
When our home will wash into the sea.
Who will starve to save the billionaires' silicon minds.

But somehow they made us.
We keep going.

Citizens Unite(d)

You said something?
I couldn't hear.
Speak a little richer.

Don't like it? No problem.
Take both your dollars somewhere else.
One dollar, one vote.
That's American fair.