How to be alone

These days, the beings I want to be around the most are animals.

Perhaps it’s the isolation of the past two years. Our little squirrel, crow, and deer friends were much safer to be with during that time. Sometimes they were all we saw, as the only place we could venture to was the woods.

But maybe that’s led to improved communication of sorts with the natural world. What if not talking to people led us to talk more with plants and animals?

Though I wouldn’t say I’m scared of insects, my natural instinct before was to shoo them away if they approached me, landing on a book, a t-shirt. Now, I take a moment to greet them. “Oh, hello! How come our paths have crossed?”

When you learn to commune with the natural world, you realize you’re never alone.

We’ve lost a lot of our connection to the land, as we can now buy produce in stores instead of harvesting it with our hands. But that doesn’t change the fact that all that food comes from the earth.

All it takes is a moment of remembrance before a meal. When you think of how long it took for the food to get to you, how many different factors went into transporting it so that you can fill your belly at lunch, you can’t help but marvel.

All that energy, for me?

Yes, you.

As long as we’re on Earth, we’re always a part of it and all the other wonders that exist right here with us.

We are never alone.
