Classic overthinking

In dark times, you will discover that it is difficult to be a curious and observant person. Especially troubling behavior will lead you to dig for the roots and you will not like what you uncover there. As with any unwelcome knowledge, these dark corners of human nature will gnaw at your mind, demanding that you attend to them.

It is during these instances that your mind is insisting that you reckon with these unsettling discoveries and the dissonance they cause with your core beliefs and world-view. It is an understandable but cowardly response to accept acts of hate, violence, and destruction as normal and quickly look the other way. Do you believe that not allowing your attention to linger will somehow spare you from the evil you've witnessed? This is naive at best and unforgivably stupid at worst. You cannot ignore the fire because it isn't devouring you presently. The insistence that this is a workable strategy has only one outcome.

It is our job, yours and mine, to wrestle with these matters and refuse to be subdued by fear. True weakness is capitulation to evil and this surrender begins with how and whether you mentally deal with its existence. Belief dictates behavior. Thinking proceeds action. There is work to do, let's not put it off any longer.