Contributing an 8080 demo to emuStudio
Encouraged by the emuStudio developer, I donated to the project an Intel 8080 Assembly demo. It's a modified version of Twirl, my program to display a twirling bar animation.
Here's the code I contributed:
; Twirling bar animation by Paolo Amoroso <>
; Runs on an Altair 8800 with an ADM-3A terminal. Press any key
; to interrupt the program.
FRAMES equ 8 ; Number of animation frames
CLS equ 1ah ; ADM-3A escape sequence
HOME equ 1eh ; ADM-3A escape sequence
STATUS equ 10h ; Input status port
READY equ 1 ; Character ready status mask
mvi a, CLS ; Clear screen
call putchar
loop: lxi h, ANIM ; Initialize frame pointer...
mvi b, FRAMES ; ...and count
loop1: mvi a, HOME ; Go to home
call putchar
mov a, m ; Print current frame
call putchar
push psw
ani READY ; Key pressed?
jnz exit ; Yes
pop psw
inx h
dcr b
jnz loop1
jmp loop
exit: pop psw ; Clear psw left on stack
ANIM: db '|/-\|/-\' ; 8 frames
include 'include\'
Unlike the original code, which I designed to run on emuStudio and be easy to port to CP/M, this new version is intended to run only on emuStudio. This was an occasion to simplify the code.
The main difference is the escape codes for VT100-compatible terminals on CP/M are strings, whereas the ADM-3A codes Twirl sends on emuStudio are single bytes. This allows the program to print the codes with the putchar
library subroutine instead of putstr
. Doing away with putstr
no longer requires saving and restoring the HL
register pair in the calling sequences.
Finally, I added code to terminate the program if a key is pressed.
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