Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso

Free Python Books reaches 3.5K GitHub stars

The GitHub repo of my Free Python Books project is about to get 3.5K stars. As I write this it has 3,499 stars, 448 forks, and 149 watches.

This milestone is mind blowing, humbling, and unexpected.

The project is a categorized list of Python books that are free to read or download. Despite the simplicity, something in the resource resonates with many Python developers and enthusiasts.

It all started as a personal list of books I discovered while learning Python, which I wanted to read later or reference. I shared the early list on Reddit and it snowballed from there.

I'm happy also because this success hints there are many learners who, in the age of video, still seek books and text resources.

#Python #books

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