Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso

I mothballed Free Python Books

I shut down Free Python Books, the list of Python books that are free to read online or download I had been maintaining since 2019.

I archived the project's GitHub repo, which is now read-only and no longer accepts contributions. If you're interested you're welcome to fork the repo and maintain your copy.

When learning Python I came across many great free Python books, so I started keeping track of them. In early 2019 I shared my list on Reddit where it resonated with many. I later published the list on GitHub and it eventually gained over 4,500 stars, about 600 forks, and over 100 watchers.

In 2023 I rediscovered my love of Lisp and lost interest in Python, which I no longer use. Hence my decision to mothball the project.

Thanks to all who expressed appreciation or contributed, and to the Python community for producing so many great works.

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