Ramblings, thoughts and Drupal, but mainly Drupal.

Community Elections Task Force: request for volunteers

As per my last update on the board resolution related to the at large director elections, on the community committee, we’ve decided to create a Drupal.org project to open discussion with the community in subjects and areas that require it.

You can find more details on the task-force attributions on this Drupal.org issue, and we’re hoping to recruit a diverse group of volunteers to drive the conversation and come up with a recommendation. Everyone is welcomed to join the discussion at any point.

If you’re interested, please do self-nominate by commenting on the issue!

Note: This blog has the comments disabled, please feel free to send me a message through my contact page if you need to discuss anything related to the community and the Drupal Association. You can also tweet at me or find me in Drupal Slack or the distributed matrix network as pcambra.

