Ramblings, thoughts and Drupal, but mainly Drupal.

Drupal Association Board Election 2020 – winner announced

As the Drupal Association publishes today, I've been elected to serve 2 years as at-large elected director.

You like me, you really like me
– Sally Field, Oscars 1985

I want to thank the 360 Drupal Association members that voted for me, but also the 560 that didn't put my name in their ballot. I'll do my best and I hope I don't let you down.

If by any chance you're one of the 2289 eligible voters that decided not to cast a vote, and you'd like to share your reasons with me, please don't hesitate in reaching out.

My goals for my 2 year term are the following:

It has been a bumpy election, it has had way too much hostility and I will add fixing this as part of my goals as a director. I don't feel that some of the events surrounding the election are the way forward for our community.

If someone ever tells you that your or their vote doesn't count, that no one wins elections by one vote, it seems that this one has been one of those times, ain't it.

